Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's to dye for.

And we're back! So here it is, in it's new and improved Black Cherry flavor, my spinning! This picture is of when Emma dumped in the Koolaid, I was trying to get a photo of when it frothed up like some kind of science experiment but the camera was too slow :( However, you can see the mess it made on the stove. And here it is boiling away in the pot, looking a lot like entrails, but smelling much, much better.
And now it's cooling down, you can see how the Koolaid is being absorbed. When I was done the water was clear! It was so cool!
And here it is hanging in the laundry room...
Here's a close up, ain't that a great colour? It was going to be darker, but I only added 3 of the 4 packets, so it's got this flamey red going on. Very pretty! It's still a little damp this morning, so I hung it up outside. I hope my spinning came out as yarn, and not a useless tangle, but I think the dyeing went superbly.

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